So I'm not sure how to tell Kedro what the S3 endp...
# plugins-integrations
So I'm not sure how to tell Kedro what the S3 endpoint is when not using credentials.yml as this would usually be passed in as endpoint_url along with a key/secret. In my case, the key and secret are being set as AWS\_ environment variables. How can I effectively tell s3fs what the endpoint is in this situation?
Was able to get past this by setting up a conf file on the image in
But now getting:
sqlite3.OperationalError: unable to open database file
Any idea why I would be getting this? Happens while kedro is trying to do
and it looks like SqlLite is trying to initialize a database.
Will also ask in advanced-need-help...
Are u using sqlitestore?
Check your Otherwise I don't think kedro use sqlite at all
Yes that's it.
SESSION_STORE_ARGS = {"path": str(Path(__file__).parents[2] / "data")}
but there is a
So not sure why I'm getting that error...
Assuming I'm interpreting that
str(Path(__file__).parents[2] / "data")
correctly. This is the space tutorial BTW
Is this a path on s3 as well?
Do u have the data folder there? It may be the problem but I am not 100% sure
No but I'm not specifying it with an
prefix either so it should write on the pod volume
If the folder doesn't exist it may not create the folder automatically, that was a problem a while ago, I can't remember if it's still an issue or not.
I thought there would be a data dir in $HOME on the image by virtue of the Dockerfile, but it's not there. So that is likely the problem...
Tried specifying the path as
but even that fails. Not sure why SqlLite is even needed. Will try commenting it out.
FOUND IT... kedro user does not have write permission in
which is owned by root!
I think the data/ is mean to be mount to some volume
Where is this home/kedro path coming from? Are u using some kind of plugins?
is set up in the Dockerfile created by kedro-kubeflow. The space tutorial seems like it is trying to create the path to the db file as
. This will end up on a default volume in the pod since no volume is specified.
I see, the kedro-kubeflow plugin is maintained by our community. Maybe @em-pe @marrrcin knows better.