Hi! I'm trying to run 'kedro install' in my root d...
# beginners-need-help
Hi! I'm trying to run 'kedro install' in my root directory in order to install the packages listed in my src/environment.yml (I have conda dependencies) but I get the following error: conda env update --file 'C:\Users\jcasanueva\ALTEN Group\OPS - Digital Department - Analytics and ML\PSE-Analytics\PSE-Qualiview_Prediction\a400m_tp_kedro\a400m-tps-analytics\src\environment.yml' --prune Traceback (most recent call last): . . . File "C:\Users\jcasanueva\.conda\envs\a400m_tp_kedro\lib\subprocess.py", line 1311, in _execute_child hp, ht, pid, tid = _winapi.CreateProcess(executable, args, FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] the system could not find the file specified