<@!874774955810758777> , I was never able to figur...
# beginners-need-help
@User , I was never able to figure it out. @User, I think you might be miss-understanding what I was asking. The video above and documentation seem to only reference creating a single custom environment. I am talking about inheritance from the various environments. For example, right now, if I run my dev environment, I also inherent from base if dev does not include the save parameter/catalog. I am wanting to take it a step further, where there are three levels of inheritance. Specifically such that temp inherits from dev which inherits from base (base -> dev -> temp).
hi @User this is very much possible but you may need to tweak/extend your config loader.
My colleague who has done this before will respond in our morning.
I was playing with the config loader a bit, but was unable to figure it out. I would love to hear how they resolved it!
So by default things follow this pattern
CLI params > Custom Run Env > Local > Base
As far as I know you will have subclass and tweak your own config loader to change the hierarchy significanly