Hi, I have a question on kedro-viz with modular pi...
# beginners-need-help
Hi, I have a question on kedro-viz with modular pipelines: If I set an intermediate dataset as output of a modular pipeline, and look at the folded pipeline in Kedro Viz, then this dataset is not connected to the pipeline. I thought I quickly ask if this is known / expexted behaviour before opening an issue? e.g. something like
Copy code
train_node = node(train_model, inputs='input_data', outputs='trained_model')
plot_node = node(plot_model_evaluation, inputs='trained_model', outputs='validation_plot')

training_pipeline = pipeline(
  [train_node, plot_node], 
  outputs=['trained_model', 'validation_plot'], 
will show the
unconnected to the training pipeline when it is folded, but correctly placed between the nodes when the pipeline is unfolded (in both cases it is correctly connected to any downstream nodes/pipelines).