I often use the cli to create pipelines, but not e...
# advanced-need-help
I often use the cli to create pipelines, but not every time. I use find-kedro to collect all pipelines into a dictionary for me. Then after that we make some special ones that are slices of those that make it easy for the project to get sceduled quickly. One thing I would really like to see is the ability to just import pipelines, rather than copying them accross projects. The catalog being in yaml seems to make this difficult. I had done it in some early pipelines, but it was hard to keep up with newer versions of kedro doing something that is not supported like that.
Copy code
from .pipelines import lunch_pipeline
from other_project import cook_pipeline # simply just import from another project

final_pipeline = Pipeline(
        pipeline(cook_pipeline, outputs={"grilled_meat": "new_name"}),
        pipeline(lunch_pipeline, inputs={"food": "new_name"}),