How important is 3.6 support (on Windows?) at this...
# advanced-need-help
How important is 3.6 support (on Windows?) at this time? I was looking into the build issues, but don't want to sink too much time if releasing 0.18 soon and don't care about this at all. I raised a draft PR that installs Rust toolchain for Windows builds, and it resolves the current issues. However, I'm still getting issues installing packages using pip in the CI, looks like for two reasons: 1. charmap can't deal with the explosion emoji coming from somewhere (click?) 2. Scarier thing is, getting stuff like
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Ignoring ipython: markers 'python_version > "3.6"' don't match your environment
Ignoring pip-tools: markers 'python_version > "3.6"' don't match your environment
Ignoring pip-tools: markers 'python_version > "3.6"' don't match your environment
Guess the latter may explain the Jupyter timeouts? CI:
Unless you're written something that actually seems like it might realistically break something on Windows, Python 3.6 I wouldn't worry about it. We opted to make that job no longer required after the Rust toolchain errors started appearing (am curious to see how you fixed that :D), so if there's a whole load more difficulties that crop up after that's fixed then I wouldn't invest much time in it at all... I think chances are high that Windows, Python 3.6 e2e tests will not come back into force before 0.18 is released and they become irrelevant
Also curious... do you know what we need this rust toolchain thing for? I have no idea where in our CI process it's used. Or why it suddenly became an error? Or why it's only a problem on Windows, Python 3.6?
I fixed it by using the installer from I got the exact commands eventually from, since it seemed easier than figuring out the flags myself.
Not sure where the toolchain is required TBH.
> Scarier thing is, getting stuff like > Ignoring ipython: markers 'python_version > "3.6"' don't match your environment > Ignoring pip-tools: markers 'python_version > "3.6"' don't match your environment > Ignoring pip-tools: markers 'python_version > "3.6"' don't match your environment Nevermind, this stuff is fine.
3.6 is officially end of life so not allowed in enterprise contexts anyway - I’m looking forward to binning it
Fair enough. I won't burn more time on this.