```python def _load(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ...
# advanced-need-help
Copy code
 def _load(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Loads data from the image file.

            Data from the image file as a numpy array
        # using get_filepath_str ensures that the protocol and path are appended correctly for different filesystems
        file_shapes = self.xml['file_shapes']
        base_dir = self.xml['base_dir'] 
        files = glob.glob(os.path.join(base_dir, 'Raw', '*.tiff'))
        logger.info(f'Found {len(files)} files in {base_dir} Raw folder')
        sizes = [(file_shapes[3], file_shapes[4])] * len(files)
        delay = [dask.delayed(load_tiff_stack)(fn) for fn in files]
        both = list(zip(delay, sizes))
        slices = [slice(i, i+file_shapes[2]) for i in range(0, len(both), file_shapes[2])]
        lazy_arrays = [da.from_delayed(x, shape=y, dtype=np.uint16) for x, y in both]
        lazy_arrays_conZ = [ da.stack(lazy_arrays[s], axis=0) for s in slices]
        lazy_arrays_conTileCh = da.stack(lazy_arrays_conZ, axis=0).reshape(file_shapes[[5,0,1,2,3,4]])
        return {'data': lazy_arrays_conTileCh, 'meta':self.xml}