According to the modular pipeline docs, parameters...
# advanced-need-help
According to the modular pipeline docs, parameters can be remapped to new names using a dict (, but I'm not sure I'm getting it - the dict I'm passing to the
wrapper is of the form
. However I'm getting an error similar to
kedro.pipeline.modular_pipeline.ModularPipelineError: Failed to map datasets and/or parameters: existing_param
. Digging up a bit I found the code that checks the existence of the parameters:
Copy code
existing = {_strip_transcoding(ds) for ds in pipe.data_sets()}
    non_existent = (inputs | outputs | parameters) - existing
    if non_existent:
        raise ModularPipelineError(
            f"Failed to map datasets and/or parameters: "
            f"{', '.join(sorted(non_existent))}"
What I don't understand is that
only includes datasets, not params. What am I missing here 😅