Hi @here! This is a quick announcement that Kedro ...
# announcements
Hi @here! This is a quick announcement that Kedro 0.18.2 is out and is available on PyPI and Conda > TL;DR This release is special because we've worked on improving Databricks Repos support and improved the CLI experienced by adding in pretty logging to the CLI with Rich and reducing the kedro new prompts to one question. This version also has several bug fixes and improvements: šŸš€ Major features: - Kedro now uses the Rich library to format terminal logs and tracebacks. - The file
is now optional. See our documentation for details. - Introduced a
entry point. This enables plugins to create custom starter aliases used by
kedro starter list
kedro new
. - Reduced the
kedro new
prompts to just one question asking for the project name. šŸ› Bug fixes: - Bumped
upper bound to make Kedro compatible with the
stack. - Kedro's framework-side logging configuration no longer performs file-based logging. Hence superfluous `info.log`/`errors.log `files are no longer created in your project root, and running Kedro on read-only file systems such as Databricks Repos is now possible. - Required
to address a known command injection vulnerability. - The session store no longer fails if a username cannot be found with
. - Added generic typing for
as well as typing to all datasets. To make the most of our new rich logging you can either delete
if it has not been customised, or add
to the logging handlers. See the logging documentation for more. You can find the full list of changes in the release notes: https://github.com/kedro-org/kedro/blob/main/RELEASE.md Kedro 0.18.2 is a non-breaking release in the 0.18.x series, upgrade with:
Copy code
pip install kedro==0.18.2
conda install -c conda-forge kedro==0.18.2